How to find a grave
How to find a grave

how to find a grave

It is worth noting that there are also databases publishing information on denominational cemeteries, not only those of Roman Catholic faith. Of course, we must remember that the database does not contain information about all people buried at Polish cemeteries. It is important that the database contains not only death dates, but also dates of birth, which allows you to more accurately assess whether the record found describes the person we are looking for. We select the person we are looking for from the list. The search engine is simple and intuitive, in addition, search is also possible on the mobile version (Android). The list of graves and those buried is constantly updated by the administrators of cemeteries. It combines information about the deceased with the place of their burial and often with a photo of the grave. It is a nationwide search engine of people buried connecting to a database over 669 cemeteries across the all country.

how to find a grave

Hopefully in this situation, there are more and more online portals and databases that publish information about people who are buried on Polish cemeteries, photos of graves, and even give the opportunity to light a symbolic / virtual candle and leave contact information.

how to find a grave

We often don’t remember where the grave of our great-grandmother or great-grandfather is, even if we know at which cemetery they are buried. In addition, some of our family graves are currently outside our country – in Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania. Especially those who died during World War I and II, many also had to leave Poland and live abroad. The problem is especially for those who live far beyond Polish borders, but not only! Many of us do not know the exact burial place of our ancestors. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the graves of their ancestors, light a candle and say a prayer. November is fast approaching, which in our culture is a month of reflection, the time when we remember the deceased members of our families.

How to find a grave